Commercial Umbrella and Excess Liability insurance adds another layer of protection and extends coverage over and above other standard business protection you may have, including Employer’s Liability Insurance or General Liability Insurance. Simply put, this extra coverage helps in the face of catastrophic settlement amounts that could cause severe losses to your income or future income. A simple example would be a settlement calling for $1.5 million but your General Liability only covers you for $1 million. Your Umbrella policy would provide you the additional $500,000 to successfully settle the claim, without touching your assets.
What coverage is provided under this policy?
This policy will cover the gaps in coverage or excess charges and losses that go beyond the limits of other existing business insurance policies you have and may cover repairs, theft, judgments, settlements, legal fees or other items that are covered under your existing business insurance policies.
Why do I need Umbrella and Excess Liability Insurance?
You will be able to protect more of your assets with an Umbrella policy, especially for small businesses and start-ups. If a settlement amount is over your standard coverage, an umbrella policy could prevent you from needing to sell your assets and/or use all available bank accounts just to cover the settlement costs. Umbrella Insurance can also be more cost-effective due to offering extended coverage on more than one policy instead of opting for higher limits on each existing policy.